Almost all you want to know.

Do I have to be a geek to use NameTerrific?

Absolutely not! NameTerrific is designed for everyone. We'll even help you if you don't understand what an "A record" is.

Do you provide hosting services?

No. We believe that focus is important and we only offer domain-related services. However we do have a few hosting providers to recommend.

Is Anycast DNS really free at NameTerrific?

Yes. We are the creators of TerrificDNS, a cutting-edge DNS platform running on our own Anycast infrastructure. We provide unlimited Anycast DNS for all domains registered with NameTerrific at no extra charge!

What does "Fully Managed" mean?

Fully Managed support is an exclusive feature of NameTerrific. If you have more than 10 domains with us and request Fully Managed Support, we will assign you a domain professional that takes care of all your domain transfers, migrations, DNS records and other domain-related tasks.

Are you an ICANN-accredited registrar?

Currently all domain registrations are being handled by eNom and Tucows, two of the most reputable registrars with proven track records. We believe that this is a good trade-off between the bootstrapped-startup awesomeness and leading-registrar stability.

Why should I trust a startup with my domains?

Every domain name business has long-term commitments because registrations can last up to several years. Unlike many other startups, NameTerrific has a viable and predictable business model. More importantly, we make some profit from every domain registration! Furthermore, since all registrations are handled by leading registrars at the moment, you can be assured of domain security.

Why is NameTerrific more expensive than other registrars?

Really? Some of our competitors attempt to recoup the losses from low-quality shared hosting, hijack empty DNS records to show ads, set up restrictions to prevent you from transferring away, spam you every week with coupon codes, or squeeze millions of domains in a few nameservers. We are really bad at playing these tricks, and we treat sustainability very seriously.

I still have a question!

This is not a question. j/k. Email us at [email protected] and we'll help you!